Detroit Titans Lacrosse Video Promo

2/3 of the way through the season is an odd time for such a promo to come out, but what do I know:

Features a lot of teaching lacrosse to riders of the People Mover, which is awesome.

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4 Responses to Detroit Titans Lacrosse Video Promo

  1. AndyD says:

    Wow. If I’m a high school lacrosse player this video does not really fire me up to go to UD to play lacrosse. Depressing. C’mon Titans. You can do much better than this.

  2. Reg Hartner says:

    I love it.

    They are embracing who they are and where their from.

  3. Reg Hartner says:

    I love it.

    They are embracing who they are and where their from. It would be terrible if they were trying to pretend that going to school is something different than what it really is.

  4. Tim says:

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about embracing the city of Detroit (although this is probably the first time most of these kids have been on the people mover), but the timing and quality of the video are… they could have done better.

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